How To Make Your Bathroom Feel Like A Spa
Posted by Lotus Garden Botanicals; Robert Reeve, Aurthor on 5/13/2013 to
After a long hard day at work, wouldn't you love to step into your bathroom and feel like you're in a spa retreat? You can turn your bathroom into a soothing and relaxing spa-like retreat.
The Benefits of Aromatherapy Candles
Posted by Lotus Garden Botanicals; Neil Maycock, Author on 4/9/2013 to

Will Certain Scents Help Me Fall Asleep?
Posted by Lotus Garden Botanicals; Nelson Whitcomb, Aurthor on 4/7/2013 to

Vanilla Pure Essential Oil - No Such Thing
Posted by Lotus Garden Botanicals on 3/12/2013 to

First and foremost we must establish this fact; there is no such thing as vanilla pure essential oil! A recent inquiry regarding why Vanilla Co2 Total Extract was so expensive compared to Vanilla pure essential oil found online has prompted the writing of this article. In doing so we hope to forewarn unsuspecting consumers and prevent the disappointment of receiving a mislabeled synthetic substitute.
Essential Oil Production: Part V
Posted by Lotus Garden Botanicals on 7/27/2012 to

Essential oil is achieved by distillation of plant materials such as grasses, leaves, flowers, needles & twigs, peel of fruit, wood and roots.
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