Absolute Oil

Precious absolute concentrates ethically sourced from around the globe. Select from rare, exotic, solvent and hexane free extracted absolute oil. Our absolutes can be used for making all-natural perfume products, clinical (therapeutic) or meditation blends, candle or soap scenting, and skin care formulations. A very small amount (just a few drops!) goes a very, very long way. Professionals elect to use our hexane free extracted absolute oils in true aromatherapy products such as soaps, candles, all-natural perfumes, bath and body skin care products for the ultimate quality of fragrance ingredient.
We guarantee our absolute oil concentrates are the epitome of quality and aroma, the creme de la creme, representing having captured the purest, most concentrated fragrance of a flower or plant part for pure decadence to excite the senses.
Additional information pertaining to absolute oil can be found in one of our blog articles: Introduction To Absolute Concentrations
We are happy to include free samples when ordering from us. Please refer to our Free Sample Policy for details.
270 In Stock