Eucalyptus citriodora with its smooth refreshing lemon aroma gives this essential oil the name Lemon Eucalyptus. Sparkling with a clean lemony aroma, Lemon Eucalyptus works well for clearing stale musty air of odors and germs. Highly anti-fungal and antibacterial. This is a germ killing essential oil well suited in hand sanitizing gel.
The main components in this organic grown and certified organic distilled Lemon Eucalyptus are 76% Citronellal and 4.7% Citronellol. The high Citronellal content makes it an excellent bug repellent. Other types of Eucalyptus are known for their stimulating camphoraceous aroma. With much less camphor the smell of Lemon Eucalyptus is calming and sedating with softer edges.
Should the aroma of Citronella not appeal to you consider a blend of Lemon Eucalyptus and Lemon Tea Tree for scenting your bug repelling outdoor candles. This combination is effective against flying bugs when trying to relax or entertain guests on the patio.
Batch specific GC/MS analysis for this essential oil is available by clicking on the green tab above.
Aromatherapy use: Analgesic, anti-anxiety, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, bug repellent, calming, sedative
General use: Home fragrance, cosmetics, skin care, bath and body lotions, creams, gels, massage oil blends, perfume, candles and soaps
Contraindications: Non-toxic, non-irritant, possibly sensitizing to some individuals. Toxic if ingested.