White Ginger Lily absolute is known for its aromatic ability to calm and soothe, evoking a peaceful state of mind that makes it beneficial for meditation, spiritual, aphrodisiac and aromatherapy use.
Ginger Lily Co2 (from roots) or the Absolute from the yellow variety Hedychium spicatum should not to be confused with this White Ginger Lily absolute from Hedychium coronarium. There are distinct differences in aroma between these two. White Ginger Lily also goes by the name Dolan Champa in Hindi, Sonataka in Marathi, Takhellei Angouba in Manipuri and Suruli Sugandhi in Kannada and in Cuba where it is the national flower 'Flor de Mariposa".
The delicate flowers do not contain much oil so the ratio is quite high of raw product to oil extracted. The quality of this absolute greatly depends on the skill of the producer. We've had samples of others that not just failed to impress but had some weird spice note that went straight into the garbage. This of course lends to its high cost but is oh so worth it; one whiff and you will be taken on an unforgettable aromatic journey of exotic sweet florals with great tenacity. The aroma profile of our White Ginger Lily Absolute hexane free extracted is exotically floral with a soft sweet honey-like, lush aroma with a slight aqueous back note. One word - Divine! We smelled other specimens and found an overly spicy sweet scent and some with an awful dominating green note. Although White Ginger Lily can be said to have a spicy note, this should be (and is in ours) just a hint of spice best categorized as a faint back note.
Aromatherapy use: Stress, calming, meditation, yoga, spiritual, relaxation
General use: Oil diffusers, potpourri, as a blending ingredient for adding pure essential oil essence to massage oil, perfume, bath oil, bath salt, bath and shower gels, spa treatment oils and creams, soap making, candle making
Contraindications: None known