Pink Champaca hexane free absolute oil is rare because it is a temporary color that dissipates to a dominant color, usually white, yellow or orange at maturity. Pink hued flowers are gathered during this phase when colors of pink to light maroon are present.
You will fall in love with the intoxicating and exotic sweet floral aroma of rare Pink champaca. Intensely sweet and highly floral, Michelia champaca is in the same botanical family as Magnolia and shares a similar sweet side although champaca is much more complex with a honeyed earthy to woody subtleties. Golden yellow and orange are more common colors of champaca flowers. For a less floral, spicier in a sacred incense reminiscent way, with smooth honeyed notes see our
Golden Champaca Co2 Select Extract. In natural perfume this absolute will give an alluring and sensual floral note dipped in buttered honey that captivates the senses.
This hexane free absolute is well suited for aromatherapy use where the desired effect is to calm, uplift one from a depressive mood, relax from a stressful day or situation, assist in lulling to sleep or as is used in India, Europe, and the Far East as an aphrodisiac aroma in cases of frigidity.