Truly one of the most delicious hydrosols to be found! Our Cinnamon Bark hydrosol contains cinnamon bark from Madagascar, which is then exported to France for a ‘purpose distillation’ method. This hydrosol is sweet, warm, spicy, and bursting with cinnamon aromatics — an indicator of an outstanding specimen. One can expect the same olfactory notes as our Cinnamon Bark essential oil. And just like the oil, to use Cinnamon hydrosol in skin care, it must be diluted heavily. Just a pinch of cinnamon goes beautifully with our
Jasmine hydrosol, as well as
Rose Otto and
Sandalwood, as it offers a sweet spiciness that is reminiscent of freshly grounded cinnamon. Suzanne Catty has written to "AVOID spraying directly on the face". She also states that the "bark is quite stimulating to the mind and body, excellent when one is tired and concentration and focus are required, much better than coffee and delicious with coffee. An amazing digestive, it relieves bloat and colic pains very quickly”.